Adam Boulton is one of the country’s best-known political broadcasters.

Until recently Sky News’ Editor-at-Large, he served as the channel’s Political Editor for 25 years, becoming one of the most prominent lobby journalists in Westminster, fronting Sky’s daily All Out Politics show, and writing a regular politics column for The Sunday Times.

Adam was a key part of shaping Sky News, a career that led him interview nine British Prime Ministers, cover eight general elections, and report on the biggest stories, from 9/11 to the financial crisis to Brexit and beyond.

Adam has reviewed key eras of modern British political history in his books Tony’s Ten Years: Memories of the Blair Administration and Hung Together: The 2010 Election and the Coalition Government.

He has acted as Chairman of the Parliamentary Lobby and won the Royal Television Society’s top journalism prize, the Judges’ Award. He has written for The Times, The Spectator, The Guardian and the New Statesman.

Boulton remains a believer in TV News even though audiences for traditional news bulletins continue to fall. “I think it’s beneficial for society that’s there’s analysis and invigilation – not just post-fact but while things are happening.”

Adam is currently presenter and commentator for Times Radio and Talk TV and columnist for Prospect, The New European, Reaction and the Big Issue.