Tenacious fighter for the rights
of children in peril around the world

Kevin Watkins"Creating a Future for the World’s Children"

George Graham

Director of Conflict and Humanitarian Policy,
Advocacy and Campaigns, Save the Children UK

George Graham is Director of Conflict and Humanitarian Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns at Save the Children UK. In this role, he manages a highly influential and award-winning department of policy specialists, advocates and campaigners in London and leads the work of over 100 colleagues worldwide to influence policies and practice with respect to violations of children’s rights in conflict and other humanitarian situations.

He is also a trustee of Conciliation Resources, a lifelong environmentalist and a dad. He tweets about conflict and social change at @georgewgraham.

Writing about the Government voting down the Dubs Amendment to the Brexit Bill In January 2020, George writes

As a country, we should be proud to protect children escaping war and persecution. Instead, this bill puts some of the world’s most vulnerable and desperate children at even greater risk of harm. By taking away the right of lone children to live with their families in the UK, we leave them to risk their lives on the dangerous journey to Europe and expose them to exploitation at the hands of traffickers.”