Admired specialist in East Africa who
helped win justice for Kenyans

David Anderson"End of Empire:
Paying for the Sins of Our Past?"

Professor David Anderson

Professor of African History & Politics,
University of Warwick

David Anderson is Professor of African History & Politics at Warwick University and first spoke at Keele World Affairs when he held a similar post at Oxford.

He studied History at the University of Sussex, leading to doctoral studies and a Research Fellowship at Cambridge, then Lecturer at Birkbeck College, University of London, and later he became Director of the Centre for African Studies in the University of London (1997–2001).

His research interests have remained focused upon eastern and central Africa, but his published work has ranged across a wide variety of topics, from histories of environmental change to current analysis of political violence. He is founder of the Journal of Eastern African Studies.

His involvement in the High Court case brought against the British government by four Mau Mau veterans has resulted in the publication of important articles in 2012, focusing on the subject of torture and abuse under British rule in Kenya.

David is an Hon Member of the Keele World Affairs Advisory Panel and keeps us informed of other Africa specialists who might illuminate our series.