One of Britain's top newspapermen with
clear views about truth and technology

Bill Emmott"Breaking News:
The Remaking of Journalism

Alan Rusbridger

The Principal, Lady Margaret Hall,
University of Oxford

Alan Rusbridger came to Lady Margaret Hall after a life in journalism, with just over 20   years as editor in chief of the Guardian.

After reading English at Cambridge and a spell on the local evening newspaper he moved to the Guardian where he had two spells, the first as a reporter, columnist and feature writer. After moving to the Observer as its television critic, he discovered that he didn’t much enjoy writing about television and jumped at an offer to work in America for a while. Then began his second spell at the Guardian, launching the weekend magazine and being appointed editor in 1995.

A large part of his role was preoccupied with making sure that the Guardian would have a thriving digital incarnation, while maintaining the print edition. The international readership grew and what had been the 9th biggest paper in the UK became the largest serious English language newspaper in the world, read by more than 8m unique browsers a day.

The paper also won a global reputation for its investigative reporting, culminating in the Wikileaks, phone hacking and Snowden revelations. He chairs the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. 

Away from journalism he sits on the board of the Royal National Theatre, is a keen amateur musician, and  was chair of the National Youth Orchestra for eight years.