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Charitable Status of Keele World Affairs

In December 2015 an application by Keele World Affairs to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) was approved by the Charity Commission. Registration Number 1164457.

What is a CIO?

In 2013 the government introduced the Charitable Incorporated Organisation option that allows us to be both a charity and to gain the protection of incorporation mentioned above.

The Foundation Model of CIO is designed to help small charities operate with the minimum of administration and this is the model adopted by Keele World Affairs.

All matters are therefore dealt with by the trustees and there are no constitutional arrangements involving communication with and participation of a large number of individuals (such as over 600 subscribers to the World Affairs series) in financial or other decisions.

However they and any member of the public will be able to access the report and accounts in accordance with the Commission’s rules.

What are the charitable aims of Keele World Affairs?

These are
To advance education for the public benefit through lectures and other forms of learning in the fields of politics, economics and global issues in particular but not exclusively by:
(i) creating an environment that encourages lifelong learning at courses organised by the CIO; and
(ii) sharing the knowledge gained at its courses with the wider community.

It is the responsibility of the trustees to monitor that these aims are met and to make any major decisions including financial that are required.

Most trustees also play a part in the day to day running of the series.

The trustees would be responsible for disbursement of any residual funds if Keele World Affairs activities come to an end in accordance with the following rule:
the remaining assets must be applied for charitable purposes the same as or similar to those of the CIO [Keele World Affairs]